- United States 683
- United Kingdom 492
- Russia 299
- Poland 201
- Germany 124
- France 105
- India 64
- China 54
- Ukraine 52
- Israel 30
This week's total: 2,108 (last week: 1,766). These are aggregates of figures from the top ten countries only. Blogger's analytics doesn't show the numbers of pageviews below the tenth-ranking country and they don’t show the cumulative total including those additional countries, which is undoubtedly larger than the number shown above.
The world map at the top of this post is the graphic that I see on the stats page. The darker the green, the more pageviews from that country. I can see different versions of that map for "now" (i.e. in the last two hours), "today", "this week", "this month" and "all time". They're updated each time I look at them.