Friday, 8 July 2011

Network Nature Express exhibition

At Pedestrian Arts, Rutland Street, this evening, for the launch of the Network Nature Express exhibition.

Network Nature Express is an art project for people with mental health problems who use the Resource Centre at Network for Change. It is funded by Ecominds, a £7.5million funding scheme managed by Mind on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund. The project provides the opportunity for expression through the arts, inspired by the local environment, culminating in an exhibition accessible to the general public. It also provides the opportunity to access green spaces on rambles and residential trips which provide the chance to get out of the city to experience nature and improve mental and physical well being.

I taught Creative Writing at Network for Change on Friday afternoons for five years. I love these guys and what they do. It's great to see this exposure of the terrific work the service users have done. There are examples of their writing on display here, cleverly printed onto pages from an old book of wallpaper samples. It's all stuff they've done under Clare in the last few months (as well as one of Clare's own pieces). Everything has been made anonymous, no names are attached to any of the exhibits - which leads to me constantly embarrassing myself in guessing who's done what.

After a week at Pedestrian Arts, the Network Nature Express exhibition moves to Fabrika Independent Art Centre, 68 Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 3PL.

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