Monday 3 September 2012


This letter appear in today's Leicester Mercury:
Spiritual power lives in all things
Having read the many letters in Mailbox recently, I would like to express a view not yet given: open your mind to greater power.Do our scientists realise there is a spirit science?
This is where the knowledge of that greater power lies, within humans, animals, birds, fish, trees, plants, flowers.
Wherever there is life, there also is that light of the great creative power which we live and move and have our being in.
We all have in the centre of our forehead the pineal gland, sometimes referred to as the third eye of clairvoyance, meaning clear seeing.
We also have a gland at the back of our head sometimes referred to as the primitive gland.
This is the gateway that loved ones and friends use to communicate with us from the world of spirit.
If a spiritual gift is not used it goes sleep, like muscles if you do not use them.
To Don Tallis instead of "don't know" (August 15) I would suggest "the laws of cause and effect", which would put the responsibility where it belongs.
The answer is compassion, which comes from the Creator through us, though sometimes the physical part of our mind gets in the way.
As with our gardens or anything we love doing, they are all the better for the love we put in.
The spiritual gifts I speak of is supported by the evidence I have been fortunate to have.
They have come unbidden by me but are very much appreciated.
Eileen Bolingbroke, Leicester

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