Saturday 14 August 2010


This letter is published in today's Leicester Mercury:
Inspiration to the rest of the country
I agree with Allan Hayes' comments (First Person, August 7) about interfaith dialogue.
All should acknowledge that we are, in a non-judgmental way, trying to identify genuine theological differences in a way that is conducive to mutual respect.
A good example of one subject is the resurfacing of the subordination of women, but the biggest stumbling block must be the insight into the mystery of the Trinity.
Orthodox Jews and Muslims both believe in one eternal Creator as revealed in the Old Testament but reject Him as their Saviour, whereas Christians believe in a Triune God, three personae in one God, being the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Some religions assert vehemently that they are the only genuine religion and aim to convert the whole world. So religions and denominations must agree to differ and exercise considerable tolerance towards each other if we are to live harmoniously together.
The Council of Faiths in Leicester could be an inspiration to the rest of the country.
Patrick Trigg, Oadby

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