Sunday 5 December 2010


I filmed a number of short video interviews with members of the Leicester Hebrew Congregation at the end of the Chanukah celebration in the Town Hall this evening. I then uploaded these videos to the Council of Faiths channel on YouTube. Since I've linked our YouTube and Twitter accounts, each time I upload a video, the fact that I have done so gets tweeted to each one of our followers. Leicester Council of Faiths has 130 followers on Twitter.

Shortly after I uploaded the first of these five videos about Chanukah (featuring Mike Jacobs), the Lord Mayor of Leicester, Cllr Colin Hall (who attended the Chanukah celebration) retweeted our announcement of its publication. For the uninitiated, "retweeting" is rather like "forwarding"; it is not done automatically, the account holder has to do it by choice. This means that the Lord Mayor chose to announce the availability of the video to his whole list of followers. The Lord Mayor of Leicester has 707 followers on Twitter - all of whom will have received his personal recommendation of this short video clips.

A few minutes later, another retweet, this time by Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent for The Times. The video she retweeted is of Rabbi Pink telling the story of the historical origin of Chanukah. Although Ruth Gledhill is a follower of the Council of Faiths twitterstream, she's never retweeted any of our posts before. Ruth Gledhill has 6,196 followers of her own on Twitter - all of whom will have received her personal recommendation of this short video clip.

Personal recommendations for material on our YouTube channel by our secular Lord Mayor and by the Religion Correspondent of The Times - I'd call that a result for Leicester Council of Faiths!

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