Wednesday 3 March 2010


While at today's EREN conference at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, I receive an email from Jessica Bradford, Policy Adviser (Policy, Innovations and Partnerships) at Westminster City Council. Jessica writes to tell me that she's recently been given responsibility for running the City Council's "Faith Exchange" and is hoping to review and relaunch it later this year. She'd been reding about the work of Leicester Council of Faiths and had been wondering if we could chat informally about any advice that could help her in this task.

I phone Jessica at lunchtime, letting her know that I'm just across the river from her today and ask if she has any time free to see me late this afternoon. She does and we make an appointment that I should come to her offce at 1630. When I leave at the end of the EREN conference, I'm fighting a losing battle against the dying battery of my iPhone, as I follow its interactive google map that's guiding me to Westminster City Council's offices on Victoria Street. I love my iPhone but the short battery life is maddening. It needs to be recharged at least once a day. Maybe I'm wearing it out from overuse - but I do love it (have I said that already?)

Jessica meets me and takes me up to her office on the 16th floor. We spend over an hour together, during which there seem to be two things repeating: hitch the relaunch the relaunch of Westminster Faith Exchange to the enactment of the Equality Bill; and "Read the blog". I hadn't realised, until this conversation, that the blog itself is a resource for handing on our experience to other organisations that might benefit from it.

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